The foundations of our physiotherapy is the clients' own resources and their ability to help themselves. The task of our therapist is to help the clients rediscover their resources and abilities. This is a precondition for successful physiotherapy. We offer both short- and long-term physiotherapies. The duration of therapy will always be assessed together with the client.
You may benefit from occupational therapy if you have
- Musculoskeletal problems
- Neurological symptoms or a neurological disorder
- Delayed development or trauma-related change in your ability to function
- Sore joints or muscles, swelling
- Age-related changes in your ability to function
Better results – together
The physiotherapist examines the client at the beginning of a period of physiotherapy. Then, goals, means and indicators to monitor the effectiveness of rehabilitation are agreed together. The client’s own activity and motivation are extremely important in the rehabilitation process. The physiotherapist provides exercises to work on independently and supports the clients and their nearest and dearest to act in a way that supports rehabilitation in their everyday lives. Effectiveness will be evaluated together with the client and the people closest to them at the end of the therapy period.
Coronaria offers high-quality physiotherapy services for clients of all ages. In addition to our service units, physiotherapy can take place in a familiar environment in the client’s home, kindergarten or school.

How to access physiotherapy?
You can come to physiotherapy with a commitment for payment from Kela, your local authority or central hospital, or an insurance company. You can also pay yourself. Coronaria is a contract partner of Kela in the provision of demanding medical rehabilitation services.

Any questions? Contact us!
Coronaria rehabilitation and therapy services
p. 010 525 8801